Filosofia e questioni pubbliche - Philosophy and Public IssuesEISSN 2240-7987 / ISSN 1591-0660
G. Giappichelli Editore

Code of Ethics

FQP- Philosophy and Public Issues is an open-access academic journal on political, moral, legal, and social philosophy. The journal adopts a double-blind peer-review process to select the papers to be published. Analytical clarity, scientific originality, and methodological rigor are essential requirements for the acceptance of papers.

All the parties involved – author(s), editors, and board members– should share the following ethical requirements.

Duties of the Publisher

The publisher encourages the adoption of international best practices by the bodies of the journal and monitors their application. It requires the journal committee to accept for publication only original contributions that are written in compliance with copyright law, follow high editorial standards, and are relevant to the contents and purposes of the journal.

The publisher promotes and monitors the use of peer-review as a method for article selection, while encouraging original and independent research. All forms of copyright infringement and the crime of plagiarism are condemned. The publisher undertakes to publish corrections of any errors in published articles.

Duties of the Bodies of the Journal

The bodies of the journal ensure the fairness and impartiality of the systems used to evaluate, accept or reject articles submitted by author(s). It oversees the regular employment of the double-blind peer-review process, the anonymity of the referees, as well as the absence of any author(s)’s information in the submitted manuscript.

The bodies of the journal work in the full interest of the journal, with the aim of increasing its scientific quality. Unpublished material contained in articles submitted to the journal may not be used by members of the bodies of the journal for their own research without the written consent of the author(s).

The Scientific Board:

  • selects the papers among the submitted ones depending on their contents, and without any bias concerning the author(s)’s gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political leanings.
  • is bound to abide by the strategies and the editorial framework of the journal while making decisions for publication.
  • is also bound by the laws in force concerning defamation, breach of copyright and plagiarism.
  • is obliged not to disclose any information about submitted contributions except to the author(s) themselves or third parties only with prior authorization.
  • is committed to guaranteeing a degree of internationalization of the advisory board, and diversity and inclusion among its members.

The Executive Board:

  • oversees the operative tasks and the first anti-plagiarism screening of submitted papers.
  • shall inform the scientific board and the editor in cases of plagiarism and copyright infringement in the articles submitted for evaluation.
  • shall inform the editor and the author if serious errors, situations of conflict of interest, or incidents of plagiarism are established in a published article in order to prepare an erratum or invite the author(s) to withdraw the article.

The Editor-in-Chief:

  • exercises control over the content of the journal as they deem necessary to detect misconduct and prevent wrongdoing in the publication.
  • promotes, together with the scientific board, freedom of expression and ensures that market interests do not compromise the scientific quality of publications and adherence to ethical standards.

Duties of the Author(s)

The author(s) warrants that the article submitted for review is original and has not been published yet, nor it is in the process of evaluation/publication elsewhere.

The author(s) agrees to the procedures for selecting articles set forth on the journal's website, and particularly the double-blind peer-review process. During the time of evaluation, the author(s) accepts not to submit the paper elsewhere. If the article is accepted, the author(s) licences publishing rights to the publisher.

The author(s) agrees to declare any possible conflict of interest that may have influenced its content by submitting the paper for review.

The author(s) is obliged to properly cite the sources of the content reported and obtain the necessary permissions to publish images, tables or other content already published in accordance with the provisions of the copyright law.

Fraudulent or wilfully inaccurate statements constitute unethical behaviour and are unacceptable. The author(s) guarantees the veracity of the data presented in the article and the objectivity of its interpretations.

If the author(s) finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the published manuscript, they have a duty to promptly notify the scientific board and provide appropriate errata corrections.