Filosofia e questioni pubbliche - Philosophy and Public IssuesEISSN 2240-7987 / ISSN 1591-0660
G. Giappichelli Editore

Editors' Note

We are delighted to introduce the new series of Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche/Philosophy and Public Issues FQP/PPI. The journal was founded in 1995 by Sebastiano Maffettone to present to the Italian academic public the major issues and problems dominating the international debate in political, social and moral philosophy. Over the years, the Journal has become a reference for Italian scholars interested in normative theory, from different philosophical perspectives and traditions including both analytical and continental. In 2010, the journal underwent an important transition: an open-access online version of the Journal was launched publishing articles in English. For more than a decade, the Journal’s international reputation has been growing. This success was due in large part to the centrality of the “Book symposium”: thematic issues devoted entirely to a book discussion and original research articles, which cover different discussions on the same topic. For more than a decade, FQP/PPI has hosted discussions of ground-breaking works, involving contributions from some of the most prominent voices in political and moral philosophy.

We are honoured to serve as Editors of this new series and thankful the new publisher, Giappichelli, for all their hard work these past few months. The goal of the new series is to continue to expand the potential of the Journal while still following a path that made FQP/PPI a renowned outlet in Italy and abroad. The Journal aims to keep contributing to the public discussion about the most pressing political issues, about social and political institutions, and about the intersections between politics and morality, concerning both the domestic and international spheres and with a strong interest in normative theorizing. Due to the positive results achieved in the last decade, we will continue to host book symposia, however, they will no longer play a central role in single issues. We are in fact launching two new sections, namely the “Special section” and one titled “Contemporary debates in political philosophy.” This addition is aimed at mixing in single-issue original articles, subjected to a rigorous peer-review process (double anonymity), with special sections edited by guests (also subjected to single anonymous peer-review).

In particular, the new “Contemporary debates in political philosophy” section is designed to provide a broader scope to the discussion of relevant topics in the current academic debate. Contributions from different areas of political, moral, legal and social philosophy will appear in this section. Areas of interest include but are not limited to democratic theory, multiculturalism, religions and liberalism, migration, gender equality, racial injustice, structural injustice, epistemic injustice, intersectionality, demographic changes and justice, human rights, global distributive justice, climate justice, new trends in just war theory, and transitional justice. From an editorial viewpoint, emphasis will be placed on the breadth of topics, openness to multiple perspectives, as well as originality and analytic rigor.

The Journal has been endowed with an outstanding Scientific Board and a remarkable International Advisory Board, which brings together some of the most eminent scholars in the field of political philosophy in the world. We thank all the colleagues who enthusiastically agreed to invest their energy and time in this new editorial path. We are confident that with their support FQP/PPI will continue to grow in terms of scientific rigor, quality and originality, but also it will further develop an inclusive attitude towards philosophical approaches and orientations. We would like to use this occasion to thank the brilliant post-docs and doctoral students who are members of the new Executive Board, for their help in smoothing this transition. In welcoming the new members of the Boards, we would also like to thank the previous editorial boards’ members and editors – we are especially grateful to Ingrid Salvatore and Gianfranco Pellegrino – for their work over the years. Needless to say, special thanks are owed to Sebastiano Maffettone for his efforts in founding and directing the Journal, but mostly for being a guide and inspiration to several generations of younger scholars. Luckily, Sebastiano Maffettone will continue to contribute to it, as a member of the Editorial Board and Founding Editor. Finally, we would like to thank LUISS G. Carli University for its support to the Journal over the years.

Valentina Gentile, Editor/Direttore Scientifico

Domenico Melidoro, Co-editor/Co-direttore